
Milk Tea

Yesterday night was FUN. We, CHWARMs spontaneously went to a food trip. Well, we've just been to 3 eating places so I think that could be considered food trip. 1st trip is to Cozy cup where they offer milk tea. My first time to try it. I'm not really sure yet if I like it though because I'm not really a fan of teas. Though after that food trip, I researched the net what's the benefits of Milk Tea and here's what I learned.

Milk Tea, a tea with milk. It came with different flavors. I learned in my research in the net that tea is the second beverage next to water that what people mostly drink. It is very famous especially in Europe and some parts of Asia. Currently, a research has been made about milk tea by some scientist and they have found out that studies show adding milk to a tea may reduce some health benefits. It destroys antioxidants. So I think it is still better to drink your tea as what is it is. You can read more in this site, http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/17/really-adding-milk-to-tea-destroys-its-antioxidants/

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